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Folio Help Centre
Assignment of Actions
Completing an Action
What are actions?
How do I create an action?
What are Action default settings and how do I set them up?
Retiring Action & Action Assignments
How do I make a report on all Actions in my Folio Instance
Assignment of Actions
Assigning actions to users
Editing Actions Assignments
Can I create multiple assignments of an action linked to one Folio?
How do I bulk assign one action to multiple users?
Reassigning actions in bulk
Changing Action Result Due Dates
Completing an Action
How do I complete an action?
How do I complete multiple Actions at once?
How do I see action results?
Uploading evidence to an action
How do I make an Action Results Report?
Action Person Responsible Status
Deleting Action Results Attachments
How do I link an existing action assignment to a Folio?
How do I link an action to a Folio (contract, risk or incident)?