Assigning an action is the process of making a person or persons responsible for an Action.
Actions can be assigned either individually or in bulk. To assign an action take the following steps:
Go to Actions in the Main Menu and then select Actions.
Click on the ellipses on the right hand side of the Action that you wish to assign. You will then be given the option to either Assign, Edit or Copy the Action.
Select Assign Action.
This option will bring up the Action-Quick Assign - select the person responsible, business unit, due date and repeats. Any default settings that have previously been set up for repetition will display here but can be edited.
If you do not want to change any of the Assignment settings, you can click on Save.
To change the Assignment Settings expand it by clicking on the down arrow. You will then be able to change the following Assignment settings -
If you do not select Repeated, then this will be a once off action. If you do select Repeated, you can choose the recurrence of the action (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, six monthly or annually). If you are modifying a default repetition, you can click on Edit and select a new repetition frequency.
Comments Required:
You can decide whether the responsible user has to make comments on completion of the actions and if so, on what result - typically this would be set up as comments are required when you select a negative response (for example "Cannot do"), but you can select multiple options here - so for example, you could say you want Comments to be done on "Cannot do" and "Doing"
Evidence Required:
You select this option if you want it to be mandatory for the responsible user to attach evidence and again you can choose on what response/s evidence should be attached.
You can choose other users to be notified if the action is not completed on its due date and you can give responsible users grace days before the escalation email is sent to the escalation users.
Please Note: The Escalation user will receive a notification in the Daily Digest based on the combination of frequency set in the “Notifications After the Due Date” and the “Grace Days” setting. In the Daily Digest email it would be under Escalations section:
Users you can select as an Escalation User:
- Default Escalation User: It's the Default Escalation User for the Person Responsible for the Action on the User screen.
- Folio Person Responsible: If the action is linked to a folio, it’s the Person Responsible for that Folio.
- Designated Escalation User: Any user can be selected as a Designated Escalation User. Please Note: You can’t include Lite Users as Designated Escalation Users.
Notification on Assignment:
You have the option of selecting whether the notification on assignment is sent immediately or as part of the Daily Digest.
Notification on Progress/Completion:
You may choose who is notified on a progress status or when the action is completed. This notification appears in the user's Daily Digest under Updates.
For Actions you can choose any or all types of user's listed below:
- Other Action Person Responsible: If there are multiple persons responsible for an action, notify the other persons responsible that the action has been updated as in progress or completed.
- Folio Person Responsible: If an action is linked to a folio, notify the person responsible for the Folio that the action has been updated as in progress or completed.
- Designated Escalation user: Any user's selected as Designated Escalation Users for this action.
Notification before the Due Date:
If you select this checkbox, the responsible user can receive reminder emails prior to the due date - that can either be a once off or if you select repeated, you can receive email reminders 3 weeks before on a weekly basis for example.
Notification after Due Date:
If the action is overdue, you can select the option of how frequently the responsible user will receive reminder emails.
For instructions on how to bulk assign an action to multiple users, click here.