The Linked Folios Report allows you to create a detailed report on Folios and their Linked Folios. The report is split into two sections, one for the Folio fields and one for the Linked Folio fields. This report also allows you to filter on both folio and linked folio fields.
To get to this report click on Reports and select Linked Folios Report from the list of Built-In Reports:
It is important that you filter the report and select the Folios and their linked folios you would like to include in your report, for example you may choose to include only Service Provider Contracts and linked risks to those contract in your report. To do so click on the Folios Filters bar, then select Folio Template Service Contract.
Then click on the Linked Folios filter bar and select Folio Template Risks:
Then the Linked Folio report will give you all service provider contracts and all risks linked to those contracts. Similarly you can filter on other fields as per your reporting requirement.
The Linked Folios Report is unique and it's Report Format section is split into two parts, one for the Folio fields and one for the Linked Folio fields that you want in your report:
Drag and drop the fields that you would like to include in the Report by clicking and holding the double ellipsis dots and to add more fields start to type in the white box beneath Fields. You can add fields for the Folio itself, as well as Entities or Entity Contact Persons. You will need to do this for both the Folios section, and the Linked Folios section, but for the Linked Folios you can only select Folio fields, not fields from Entities or Contacts:
You can also sort and group your report by different Folio fields, so for example you can create a folio report and group them by the Entity associated with each Folio, however you cannot group the Linked Folio section, only sort:
You can Export your Report to PDF or Spreadsheet, to run the report to PDF, just click on Export OR click on the down arrow next to arrow and select PDF. To run the report as a spreadsheet, select spreadsheet and a CSV will be exported from your browser.
The PDF Report will have a clear distinction between the Folios and the Linked Folios:
Numeric Field Totals
This Report enables you to add totals for any numeric field. If the field is in a Table, Folio will provide a Total for the numeric values in that table. If the report has been grouped, you will see a group total for each group. You will also see a Grand Total at the end of the report.
Click on the Total ? toggle against the field to turn on totals for any numeric field.
Table Totals
Totals for Numeric fields in Tables on a report can easily be displayed. The total will be displayed for each Folio record that the table is on. For example Total for 2 fields in a table, the Milestone Amt Payable(Ex GST) and Milestone Amt Payable(Inc. GST) are displayed for each record in the example below. .
Group Totals
The report if grouped by any field (eg. Business Unit, Entity, Location etc.) then the numeric fields falling under each group will display the totals for each group at the end of every group as shown in below sample report which is grouped by the Entity Name:
Grand Totals
Grand total is the overall total for a numeric field which is calculated adding all its values across all folio records displayed on the report. The grand total for every numeric field appears at the bottom of the report as shown in below sample report: