The Folios Waiting for Approvals Report allows you to see a list of all Folios that are currently pending approval, what users they are waiting on, and how long they have been in the pending approval state.
To run this report go to the reports page by clicking on Reports at the top of the screen, then under Built In Reports select Folio Waiting for Approvals Report:
On the setup page for this report you can select what fields you want to appear in the report:
The Days Pending field shows how many days the Folio has been pending approval, and the Days Pending Range field puts them into a range.
You can also filter the report however you like, such as to only report on Folios from a particular template:
Under Summary & Charts you can add a summary of the Folios that are pending approval within a certain range, based on either the Approvers of the Folios, or the Template:
You can also add a chart. When you are finished setting up the report click on Export to generate the report as a PDF, or click on the arrow next to the Export button to select either PDF or CSV: