Draft Documents report allows you to generate the list of all draft documents and helps in tracking their approval status. Also it shows you the list of publishing approvers for each draft document(if there are any) and their individual statuses.
The filtering of this report for different approval statuses of a draft and publishing approvers are explained below in this article.
This report applies the access rights of a user i.e. a user will be able to generate Draft Documents Report only for the documents he has access to or he is an approver of.
The default fields of this report are:
- Draft Key
- Document Key
- Title
- Person Responsible
- Document Type
- Version
- Author
- Version Create Date
- Updates
- Approval Status
- Publishing Approvers
The report by default is sorted by the Draft Key in an ascending order.
All fields available on a Document record can be added to this report.
Additionally you can also add all approval related fields to this report which are listed below:
- Approval Status
- Publishing Approvers
- Approval Requested By
- Approval Requested At
- Rejected By
- Rejected At
The report can be filtered on all available Document fields.
The Draft Approval Status filter
No Approval: It shows draft documents which have no publishing approvers and can be published directly without any approval.
Not Requested: It shows draft documents with publishing approvers but are not submitted for approval yet.
Requested: It shows draft documents with publishing approvers which are submitted for approval.
Rejected: It shows draft documents with publishing approvers which are rejected by the approvers.
You can use these different approval statuses to generate reports as per your requirement.
Additionally you can use the Publishing Approver Status filter along with Publishing Approvers to generate your reports specific to one or multiple approvers
The Publishing Approver Status filter
No Approval: It shows draft documents with no approval required from the selected publishing approvers. The report would include all drafts without any approvers and draft with other approvers.
Not Requested: It shows drafts with no approval requested for the selected publishing approvers.
Requested: It shows drafts with approval requested for the selected publishing approvers.
Approved: It shows drafts which are approved by the selected publishing approvers.
Rejected: It shows drafts which are rejected by the selected publishing approvers.