Indicators are a new feature in Folio that enable you to manage Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) in Folio. Indicators are quantifiable metrics that can be set up to fall within one of 3 thresholds Red, Amber and Green.
For more information on using Indicators click here.
Line Charts in Insights
Insights now include a Line based charts. These Line charts represents trends over time and trends compared to previous periods.
For more information on creating Insights click here.
Insights Summary Table
In addition to the charts, Insights now include a summary table.
Sharing Insights
Another addition to Insights is the ability to share the Insights that you've created and saved with other users.:
Checklist Automations
In our last release we added the ability to automatically assign an action to someone when certain conditions are met on a Folio record. This release we have expanded this functionality to allow you to assign checklists as well.
For more information on assigning a checklist with automations click here.
Other new automations
Other enhancements we have made to our Automations feature:
- Setting the Action Person Responsible: The ability to set the Person Responsible for the Folio record as the Person Responsible for an Action/Checklist assignment.
- Rejection Conditions: The ability to trigger an automation, when a Folio approval is rejected.
For more information on setting up automations click here.
New Welcome Emails
You can now configure welcome emails for both Full Users and Lite Users. Folio also has a new look Welcome Email:
Easier Reports Set up
If you have trialed a new report template in sandbox and want to transfer it to production, Folio now offers a report template export import function. Reports can now be exported and then imported into your Folio production instance or vice versa
For instructions on how to export and import a report template click here.
Import Credentials
You can now import credentials into the system and attach them to your Entities in bulk. For more information on how this works click here.
Users are also able to import new credential types to Folio.
Contactless Public Link Reporting with QR Codes
You can generate QR Codes for Public Links set up in your system, which users can then scan on their mobile devices to access the form. This can be used for setting up contactless forms in your organisation, such as a sign-in form for visitors to your sites:
For more information on setting this up click here.
Button Field Type
You can now use buttons for single select and multi-select fields. Buttons have several advantages including being easy to use on mobile devices, They also can have colour for e.g. Red could be used for No and Green for Yes.
Folio Lookup Field Enhancement
The Folio Lookup can now be filtered to display only Open or Closed records:
New User Interface for Single & Multi-select field setup
We have refined the UI for adding and editing the answers for a Single or Multi Select field:
Reports Refinement
The Reports screen the menu buttons on the reports screen have been growing so we have made a refinement to place them under the ellipsis.
User Interface Improvements
Tabs have been refreshed with a new crisp look
The font size of Field Labels has been increased to improve readability.
Other Improvements
- We have now included the ability to add a reason for the change of due date of an action or a checklist that does not repeat.
- Action and Checklists Notes now include @mentions
- A user with access rights can now create new entities from an entity lookup field.
- Automation notifications can now have rich text introductions.
- When setting up a default view on a Folio Template, user can now also set up a default sort order.