Folio’s December 2023 Release will be deployed on Saturday December 9, 2023. This release includes the following features:
Requester Selects Approver - Create Link First Stage
We are now introducing a new workflow rule where the Approval Requester can select approvers in the first stage of the create link. This feature will allow the submitter of create link Folio records such as incidents or feedback to select approvers when submitting the Folio record.
This feature is ideal for when the staff member reporting the incident or feedback already knows who needs to approve it and does not want all the possible approvers to be made person responsible for the incident or feedback record.
Read more about it here
Advanced Search on Entity Lookup Fields
Entity Lookups currently allow you to search for an entity by the Entity Name. This new feature will allow you to search for an Entity by any field on the entity Layout.
This feature is useful when you want to search for a sub-contractor entity for example, by their location or their trade, not just by their name.
Read more about it here
Lite User Document visibility by Lite User’s Business Unit
Currently you can specify the Document Categories that are visible to all Lite Users. This new feature will now allow you to also choose which Document Categories are visible to Lite Users by the Business Unit that the Lite User is in.
This feature is ideal when you want to restrict certain Document Categories only to Lite Users in certain Business Units.
Read more about it here
Ability to delete a Folio Workflow Bracket if there are no Folio records in approval progress
Until this release, if there is a Folio record in approval progress in a stage, unnecessary or superseded approval brackets in that stage could not be deleted even if there were no Folio records in approval progress in that particular bracket.
We have introduced a feature in this release, to enable you to delete unnecessary or superseded workflow brackets if there are no Folio records in approval progress in that bracket.
Notifications in Automations can now include links to attachments
Notifications in automations can now be configured to point to attachment fields and these attachments will now appear as links in automation email notifications. Users will be able to click on the link to download attachments. Non-users who receive the email notification will be able to download attachments for a limited period of time.
This feature is ideal, when for example, you are sending work order notifications to sub contractors and you would like to link to images that have been attached to those notifications.
Read more about it here
Hide Person Responsible and Title on the Create Link without activating the Public Link
In order to hide Person Responsible and Title on the Create Link, the public link had to be activated. This requirement has now been removed.
Ability to export Business Unit, Program, Location & Risk Classification in CSV format
Folio will now enable you to export Business Units, Programs, Locations and Risk Classifications to a CSV file, to make it easier to re-import them back with changes when changes in structure occur.
Read more about it here