We are really pleased to present the first Folio release for the new decade!
We have continued our focus on dashboards this release and have introduced a variety of new snapshots as well as dashboards. We now have an integration to two instant messaging tools Slack and Microsoft Teams. In this release we have also focused on improvements to workflow, we now support reminders if approvals are pending and escalation if approvals are not completed within a prescribed timeframe.
Folio Dashboards
We have been exploring ways to highlight key metrics on any Folio template. For example, with Contracts you may want to know how many new contracts have been created over the past 4 months or how long contracts have taken to be approved or simply how long on average do contracts sit in a stage. To help with this we have introduced Folio Dashboards. These are unique dashboard for each Folio template. Click on Dashboards and then on Folio Dashboards to explore.
For more information on the new dashboards and their snapshots click here.
Custom snapshots
Create your own custom snapshots on any Folio dashboard by selecting the most appropriate filters you need and clicking "Save As". We have created 2 Overdue Actions Snapshots below one for All Business Units and another just for Health Services.
For more information on using Snapshots in Folio click here.
New Snapshots
This release includes the following new snapshots:
Action Status by Categories (found on the Home dashboard) :
This snapshot provides a breakdown of action status by action categories. It tells the user how many actions in a category are Not Started, Overdue, Done, Cannot Do or In Progress.
Risk Classification (found on the Risk Dashboard)
This snapshot provides the number of risks in each risk classification.
Overdue Actions by Risk Rating (found on the Risk Dashboard)
This snapshot shows an ageing of overdue actions broken down by the ratings of the risks that they are related to.
For more information on these snapshots click here for the home screen and click here for the Risk Dashboard.
Slack/Microsoft Teams Integration
Custom Notifications from Folio templates can now be sent as a webhook to a Slack or a Microsoft Teams Channel:
For more information on setting this up click here.
Importing Checklist Assignments
We have been adding to Folios import capabilities. Folio now has the ability to assign checklists through the Import functionality, as well as updating existing checklist assignments:
For instructions on how to use this feature click here.
User History Report
The User History Report allows you to report on the changes that have happened to users in your instance over a period of time.
For instructions on running this report click here.
Filter Reports by new meta fields
Certain metadata fields have been added to reports and the list screens in Folio. These fields include
For Folios, Actions, Checklists & Entities:
Created By
Created At
Updated At
Updated By
For Folios only :
- Closed At
Closed By
Submitter Email
Folio Linked Date
Folio Linked By
For Actions and Checklists only:
- Retired At
Retired By
Approval Notifications - reminders and escalation
Approval Reminder Notifications
An approver can now receive an approval notification and then reminders until they approve if the approval is pending. The reminders will be batched with the daily reminder notifications.
Approval Escalation
If approvals are pending they can now be set to escalate after a certain number of grace days.
Stage Description
Descriptions have been added to each stage. This enables you to generate workflow documentation directly from Folio.
For more information on setting up a Folio Workflow click here.