To assign a Checklist, go to the Checklists tab and click on the Key of the checklist that you want to assign.
Click on the button that says Assign (between Copy and Retire on the Details screen).
Alternatively you can click on the Checklists tab, select Checklists. A list of checklists will be displayed. Click on the gearwheel next to the checklist you would like to assign and select Assign Checklist.
Both methods will take you to a Quick Assign Screen where you can select the Person Responsible, the Business Unit will automatically be reflected as the one that the Person belongs to, but you can change it or put in multiple business units. You can also link the assignment to a Folio from this screen. If it is a Deliverables Checklist you can change the breakdown and target settings. Choose a date for the Checklist to be completed - if it is recurring then this will be the first date. Click on Save.
If you want to change any of the default assignment settings of the Checklist, then expand the arrow next to Assignment Settings - here you can specifically change the recurrence, escalation and notification settings.
For notifications you can choose whether to send an email to the person responsible immediately or overnight, and you can choose to have an email sent to the Folio Contract Owner or Designated Escalation User both when the checklist is In Progress and/or when it is submitted. You can also change what notifications the person responsible get before and after the due date.
Please note a Checklist can be assigned multiple times to different people - for example, one checklist can have 10 different assignments for 10 different business units as an example. This can be done individually or in bulk. Click here to learn how to bulk assign one checklist to multiple users.