Reviewer Settings
To set up assignment reviewers for your checklist, go to the Review section on the Details tab of the checklist and click on the “Assignment Reviewers” button under Reviewers Settings:
When the Assignment Reviewers option is selected then the reviewer's selection box on each stage will no longer be visible. You will not be able to select any reviewers on the checklist.
You still be able to control the number of stages, the names of each stage and edit the settings on the stage (Complete Review, Notification before the due date, notification after the due date) on the checklist.
Assigning a Checklist with Assignment Reviewers
When you click on the assign button of a checklist with Assignment Reviewers option turned on, you will see the Review section with reviewers selection boxes for each stage. You will be able to select the reviewer/s for each stage.
Please note that each stage must have at least one reviewer before you click save button to create the assignment.
Editing reviewers on an Assignment
You will be able to see the Review section on the Details screen of the assignment. The Review section will show you a list of all stages, reviewers and the review rules.
If you have assignment edit rights you will be able to change the reviewers on each stage of each assignment.
Any reviewer changes will only apply to in progress & not started checklist result events. The completed result events are not affected by reviewer changes.
If you change the Reviewer Setting from Assignment Reviewers to Checklist Reviewers then:
- The existing Assignment Reviewers will be deleted and you will need to select checklist reviewers.
- You will need to change Reviewers on the checklist not on each assignment.
- The Checklist Reviewers will apply to any checklists that are in progress or not started.
- The Checklist Reviewers will not apply to completed checklist results.
- Updating the number of review stages will require you to select reviewers for all existing assignments.