Checklist reviews are useful when a completed checklist needs to be reviewed by team members. Folio allows you to have up to 10 Checklist sequentially ordered review stages. The checklist needs to be completed before the first review stage and the first review stage needs to be completed before the second one and so on. Each stage can have different reviewers and review questions that are asked of these reviewers.
A Work Health and Safety Inspection once completed by a Team Member, needs to be reviewed by the Branch Manager and then by a Quality Coordinator in the Head Office. The Branch Manager Review and the Quality Coordinator Review can be set up as review stages on the checklist.
Folio also enables you to have one of two Reviewer Settings:
Checklist Reviewers
Checklist Reviewers is the default setting and allows you to set up review rules for each checklist every assignment inherits these rules. It keeps the set up of the checklist simple as you need to set up the review rule only once and each assignment will use these rules.
For example you have a Modern Slavery Survey which needs to be completed by all of your suppliers and on completion need to be reviewed by Team Members in the Finance prior to payment being made. In this scenario all checklist assignments after completion need to flow through the same set of reviewers.
Assignment Reviewers
Assignment Reviewers enables you to set up reviewers for each assignment.
For example you have a WHS Inspection Audits which must be completed by each Business Unit. You then want to have a Quality Administrator from each region reviewing, each assignment of the checklist can be set up to have a different quality reviewer.
Reviews stages are initially set up when the Checklist is established.
Once these reviews have been put in place, when the designated user has completed the checklist, it will then be automatically assigned to another user for review. The review process may also include additional questions for the reviewers to complete based on the original answers.
Reviewers can be assigned either as a whole or based on the business unit for the checklist assignment - Note that each business unit (including All other) must have one approver
Once the checklist is ready for review an email will be sent to the reviewer notifying them of the checklist review they have to complete. It will also appear in the reviewer's "to do list".
The reviewer will be able to answer the specific questions associated with the review and/or click on the link to view the Checklist answers.