Folio provides a global search and recently viewed feature that can be accessed by clicking on the magnifying glass on the top right of the screen or pressing the / shortcut to access this feature from anywhere in Folio.
Recently Viewed
When you click on Global Search and before you start typing Folio displays a list of 10 records that you most recently viewed. These could be Folio records, Folio Templates Action, Action Assignment, Action Results, Checklist, Checklist Assignment, Checklist Results, Document records, Documents, Users, Entities and Contacts.
Global Search
To search for information in Folio start typing in the global search and Folio will display results.
At least 3 letters are needed to begin the search, which runs across the following:
- Key and Title for Folios records, Draft Folios, Actions, Action Assignments, Checklists, Checklist Assignments, Documents and Draft Documents.
- Entity Name, Contact Name, User Full Name and Email Address
- Template Prefixes
- Folio Templates
- Tags
- Entity Name search will also displays linked contacts & linked Folios
- Contact Name search also displays all linked Folios
- User search will displays folio, checklists assignments and action assignments that the user is associated with
- Attachment names in action and checklist results can be searched.
Please Note: Confidential Folios are not included in the search.
Note that any Folios, Entities, Contacts and Users that appear in the search results that are closed, inactive, retired or suspended will appear with a respective label:
The search is split into sections for Folios, Checklists, Users etc. Each section is limited at 5 results for the search box, and if you want to view all the matching results click the blue link at the bottom of that section:
This will take you to the standard search screen for that section where you can filter the search further if you wish by clicking on the search icon on the search bar and choosing filters to apply from the pop up box that appears after clicking the icon:
Note that you will only see search results for items that you have access to & Folio Templates will only be visible to Administrators