Some Folio's may need to be submitted for approval. There are two ways to do this.
Select the Folio you want to submit for approval, The first method is to click on the Ellipsis and select Submit for Approval. Note that if no approvals are required you will need to select Move to Next Stage.
The second method, is to use the stage dropdown menu on the right side of the Details tab:
Using either of these methods when approvals are required will show this screen showing the approvers for this stage, and give you the ability to add a comment:
If the stage has eligibility criteria that are not met this message will be displayed and need to be filled out before moving on with the submission:
Pressing Confirm will send a notification to the approver/s to begin the approval process.
Requester Selects Approver
Some times you may be required to select the approvers from a pool of approvers.
The number of approvers that you have to select is shown in the pop-up. You cannot select more than the required number:
Approval Override
You may also be given the option to override the approval. To do this tick the Approval Override check box, no approval will be required and the Folio will be advanced to the next stage.
Requester Select Number of Approvers
In this case that the template was set up so that the requester selects the number of approvers required, you will need to select how many you want to approve the stage transition, making sure to select at least one: