Each Folio has an Approval History that shows an overview of how that Folio has moved through its approval workflow. To view the approval history for a Folio first navigate to the Details screen for the Folio you want, then on the right side of the screen under the current stage you will see a section called approval history:
Click on this section to show the approval history:
The approval history shows information about each event that has occurred as this Folio moves through it's stages. The information that it shows is the Date and time a status event has occurred, the type of Status, which can be one of:
- Approval Requested
- Approved
- Rejected
- Sent back to submitter
- Moved back
- Closed
- Reopen
The Who column represents the user who initiated the status event. In the case of Approved where there may be multiple approvers the who column shows the user who was the last person to approve. Lastly the Stage column shows the stage the Folio is in after the status event.
Sometimes there may be more information about a particular status, such as there being multiple approvers or if there was a comment provided when the approval request was rejected. In this case you can view more information on the status by either clicking on the arrow to the right:
Or you can click on the expand link to expand every entry:
The gearwheel also provides several options:
The Ascending link lets you change the sort order for the Approval History. By default it is newest to oldest, but clicking on Ascending will reverse it to oldest to newest. You can then select Descending to switch it back:
Filter lets you apply a filter to the history. You can also do this by clicking on the Add a Filter link:
The filters you can add are for the Date, the User in the Who column, the Status and the Stage:
Select Filter when you are done to apply the filter. You can now see what filters have been applied above the Approval History, and from there you can also edit or reset the filters:
Lastly the Export option lets you export the Approval History out into a report: