Prepopulated tables enable you to prefill some data in the fields of a table and allow the user to fill in the other fields.
You could have a defined set of hazards and their standard controls that are prepopulated on a table. The users would need to then add in their risk assessments for each of these Hazards.
Prepopulated Tables have the following characteristics:
- You can prepopulate Single Select, Multi-Select, Hierarchy, Long Text and Short Text field types on a Table in a Folio Template.
- You can make prepopulated fields Read Only or Optional/ Mandatory in Visibility. This means that they could be editable by the user or not.
- You can lock the table to a defined number of rows OR allow users to add & remove rows. A user will not be able to rearrange the rows on a pre populated table.
- Prepopulated Tables are only supported on Folio Templates and not on Checklists, Documents and other Layouts.
- Prepopulated tables cannot be made dependent. You will not be able to set the whole table as dependent or even one or more columns on that Table as dependent.
- Lookup fields cannot be prepopulated.
- Changes to prepopulated table do not affect Folio records that there created in the past. They will apply only to records created in the future.
How does Table Prepopulation work in Folio?
To set up table prepopulation, click on the name of the Table you would like to prepopulate. Under Layouts select Prepopulated Table. If you want to allow users to add and delete rows to the table then click the Add and Delete Rows option, click Update
- User will be able to add rows and delete any row (including prepopulated rows).
- You can prevent a user from deleting rows (prepopulated and user created) by making a field read only.
- A default answer in all read only Single & Multi Selects will ensure they are not blank when a row is added.
On the Table card, you will now see a Prepopulate button which you can click on. You will now see the Prepopulate Table popup. To pre fill the values for a field click on the pre-populate switch.
You have an option to Fill Down valuesfor single, multi selects and hierarchy fields.If you click on Fill Down, all the answers in those fields will be filled in the rows of the table. You may also add the values in one by one by clicking on the + button at the bottom of the screen.
In the example below you can see that values are prepopulated under the Risks & Control Measures fields and the rest are left empty for the user to fill in.
To clear all values in a prepopulated table, click on the Clear All button. If you want to clear just one field simply switch prepopulate off and then back on again.
What does a user see when using a prepopulated table?
When you create a folio record using the template which has this pre populated table you will see the table rows for Risks and Control Measures are pre filled and the user only needs to fill the rest of the columns. If the settings to add and delete rows is selected on the table then you will be able to see the add rows button & remove rows trash bin. This will allow you to add additional rows to the pre populated table & delete new or existing rows.