The Risk Gap Report allow you to report on risks in your instance and shows the gap between the target risk and current risk for that record. To run this report first, go to the report screen by clicking on Reports at the top of the screen, then select Risk Gap Report:
It is important that you filter the report and select only those Risks that you would like to include in your report, so you may choose to include only Operational Risks in your report. To do so click on the Filter bar, then select the field you would like to filter the report by, such as Contract Template, Entity, Business Unit, Risk Classification or Risk Gap:
Drag and drop the fields that you would like to include in the report by clicking and holding the ellipsis, and to add more fields start typing in the white box beneath Fields. You can also sort and group your report by different fields, so for example you can create a report and group them by the Entity associated with each risk.
There are several Summaries and Charts that can be added to this report. The one that is unique to this report in the Risk Gap Chart:
Ticking this will include a chart that shows on a matrix the number of risks in your system that have a rating above or below their Target Risk:
Also if you include the Risk Target Gap in the report you will see for each risk a column that displays how far each risk is from its target risk:
The circle indicates the target risk while the R indicates the current risk rating:
You can Export your Folio Report to PDF or Spreadsheet, to run the report to PDF, just click on Export OR click on the down arrow next to arrow and select PDF. To run the report as a spreadsheet, select spreadsheet and a CSV will be exported from your browser.