You can do this by using the Risk Movement Report in Folio. To do this select the Reports tab on the top of the screen, then filter for "Risks" under "Built In reports - Risks", then click on Risk Movement from the list:
This reports shows movement of risk parameters over a period of time. By default the period reported on is the current month, you can change this by clicking on the Report Period filter:
Then selecting the range of time that you would like:
You can also add other filters such as Folio template by clicking on the search icon in the search bar and selecting the filter that you want.
You are able to add and remove fields the same as other reports. To add a field type in the search box below Fields and select the field you want to add, and to remove a field click on the x to the right of the field name:
You can rearrange fields by clicking and dragging the ellipsis to the left of the field name.
When you are ready to export your report, click on Export, or select the arrow and click on either PDF or CSV:
The report will show the movement of those risks over the period of time that you have selected: