In Folio you can have programs set up going down multiple levels. The Program field can then be added into any Folio template and users can also be associated with Programs.
To set up a new Program:
Click on Admin and select Programs:
Click on + New:
Enter the name of the program and select a parent program (if any)
You can also include a description of the program if you wish:
Click on Create or Create and New (if you want to create multiple programs) to save the program. Return to the tree view by clicking on cancel or by using the breadcrumbs on the top of the screen.
To view details of a particular program from the tree view, highlight the location and click on Details. To quickly see all programs, click on Expand All and if you want to minimise the program tree, click on Collapse All:
Programs can be moved around or re-ordered using drag and drop. Click on the program you wish to move and drag and drop it to a new parent or merely a new order in the list: