List Screens for Folio records are where Folio records are listed. The list screen allows a users to:
- Filter for Folio records on that Folio Template
- To set Star filters for commonly used searches
- To create new Folio records, if they have the rights to do so
- To perform bulk actions
- To view dashboards related to that particular Folio Template
- To export their search to PDF or CSV
- To change the columns that they are viewing on the list
- To sort by different fields on the list
How to use Filters
Filters are used to search for records in Folio. To filter for Folio records on a Folio Template, go to the Folio Menu and select a Folio Template.
On the list screen click anywhere on the filter bar, you will now see Selected Filters displayed to you:
Selected Filters will have filters pre-selected based on the columns you have on the list screen:
If you change the columns on the list screen then the filters that are pre-selected will also change (Note this does not change any filters that have already been applied):
To filter for information, go to the field name in Selected Filters and select or enter the value/s you are looking for.
If you want to filter on a field that is not displayed, click on Add Another Filter at the bottom of Selected Filters. Once you are done, click on Apply to filter records on the list screen.
You may clear a filter by clicking on the bin next to the field and the value selected.
You can also filter for no values on Single-select, Multi-select or Hierarchy fields by selecting the first option “None” from the dropdown
Creating Star Filters
If you have filters that you always use, you can save them as a Star Filter. Learn more about Star Filters
How do I configure columns on a list screen?
The configure columns feature allows you to change the fields that are visible on the list screen. You may also set the sort order of the columns here. To configure columns, clock on the ellipsis at the top of the list screen and then select Configure Columns.
You will now see the Configure Columns modal. You can type to search for a field that you would like to add as a column on your list screen. You can use the drag handles on the right hand side to drag fields and order them. To sort the records by a particular field you can click on the arrows to either sort on an ascending or descending order. You may sort list screens only by one field at a time. You can click on Save to change the column configuration of your list screen or Reset to set it back to the Default View. For Folio Templates the Default View may have been preset by an administrator.
How do I export the records on a list screen to a PDF or a CSV?
You can export the records on a list screen to a PDF or Spreadsheet (CSV) by clicking on the ellipsis at the top of the screen and then selecting Export to PDF or Export to CSV.
If the export is a large file, Folio may advise you that it will email you the output.
Changing the number of results displayed per page
Changing the number of results displayed per page.
You can see how many results in total are on a list screen, this is displayed as x results on the right hand side of the screen. If there are more than 25 results you can change the number of results displayed on each page. You can have 25, 50 or 100 results on each page.