Uploading attachments to multiple Folios in bulk is a two step process in Folio. For the first step, go to the admin screen then select Import:
Then 'Attachments Uploader':
On the next screen you will see any attachments that have been uploaded here and are waiting to be attached to the right Folio. To upload your own attachments select +Upload:
Then add the files you want by either clicking “Add Files” or simply open your File Explore and Highlight and Drag and Drop all files at once. You will then see those files listed on this screen:
Note that attachment files are retained for 365 days and if they have not been associated with Folio records, they are deleted.
The attaching of the file to the correct Folio is done through the Folio Import process. At the end of the import file there are two columns labeled 'Filename' and 'Attachment Title':
These can be used to attach the files that you previously uploaded to the Attachments tab of the Folio you specify.
The Filename needs to match the filename that the attachment has in Folio. To ensure an exact match, click the vertical ellipses and click Export to Spreadsheet. Then the exact File Name from the exported csv can be pasted into the Import File.
The Attachment Title in the import file can say anything you would like.
Note that when attaching files to a particular Folio using the import function that it follows the same rules as tables. That is, each attachment goes on it's own row in the import file.
You are able to link the files from the Attachment Uploader directly to custom Attachment fields on Folio and Document Imports, just put the name of the attachment directly into that column on the import file