You are able to upload the required credentials directly from a contract by following these steps:
- Click into the details of a contract and select the second tab "Credentials"
- You will then see the required Eligibility Criteria of both the Entity and Service Provider (if applicable). To add a Credential where none exists, click the Add Credential Button.
- If you are replacing an existing or retired credential, click the gearwheel and select Replace Credential
- Complete the credential details, including Renewal date and Evidence (if required). Please note, that if these have a blue asterisk next to them, that means that it is mandatory to put in a Renewal date or upload evidence.
- Click on Create and the Credential is now attached to the Entity or Service Provider.
- Note: If the credential that you are replacing is part of an active credential request then after submitting the new credential that entry will be removed from the request. If that credential was the only one in the credential request then the request will be closed out