What is the Action field?
Action fields are a new field on a Folio Template that shows the details of an action, its assignments and the status of the actions last 4 results. A person responsible for an action assignment may also complete the action from the action field.
Action Fields have a variety of uses. An example of its use is for audit findings where agreed actions must be linked to their relevant audit findings.
Action card displays the Title of the action. In the next row it displays the Person Responsible/s followed by Action Priority, Business Unit and due date(only if it is a non repeated assignment) & Assignment Key. At the left bottom of the card status circles are displayed & on the right Status button.
Creating an Action Field
Creating an action field is the same process as creating any other field, you select the type of field as Actions.
If you want to restrict the actions viewable on this field you can select Specific Action Categories
You will then see the selection box that allows you to select the action categories you would like to limit the field by, You are also able to include the sub action categories by selecting Include Sub Categories.
Using the Action Field on a Folio Record
On a Folio record you will see two buttons under the action field, The first one (The plus icon) will allow you to link an existing action or create a new action. The Second icon will allow you to link an existing action assignment.
Adding an Action
If you are wanting to add an action to the field without an assignment click the plus button.
You will then be able to select the action you want from the Action dropdown, and add a comment to the linkage.The comment you add here will only be shown on the actions tab not on the field
You are also able to create a new action by clicking on Create a new action
Once you have selected the assignment you want click add to have it added to the field.
The field will then show you the title and key of the action, and if you have the rights you will be able to assign the action
Adding an Existing Action Assignment
If you have an existing action assignment that you would like to add to the Folio record you can click the link icon.
You will then be able to select the assignment you want from the Action Assignment dropdown
Once you have selected the assignment you want click add to have it added to the field.
The card for the Action & Assignment will show you the Actions title, the Person Responsible, the Priority, business unit,the assignment key, and in how many days is the assignment due/overdue.
If you have the rights to complete the assignment you will see the status button that allows you to complete the action, for repeated assignments this button will always be the most recent repeat.
Viewing Action Results
You are also able to view the results from the Folio screen by clicking on the status dot.